Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Mint Oreo Ice-Cream Dessert

Do you ever fix anything from your "growing-up" years and every-time you do, you are filled with memories?  There's something about this dessert that reminds me of warm, summer nights, time spent sitting on the front porch, talking to my friends or even crawling out on the roof to sit alone to watch the stars.  You would understand the need for the roof, if you grew up in my family!  Eight kids, and I was third to the oldest.  Sometimes the ONLY quiet place was the roof!  My mom typically didn't look there, either!  I love this dessert.  It's entirely too simple to make, yet it's so rich and delicious.  It's the perfect summer dessert and although, it's only March, I decided it was time to make it anyway!  So, here it is...my reminder of summer and the past, when I could consume countless calories, because, honestly, I probably didn't even know what a calorie was!  Or a carb!  Sometimes knowledge sure ruins a good thing!

1 pkg. oreo cookies
1 cube butter
1 container mint chocolate chip ice-cream
caramel syrup
Chocolate syrup
Cool whip (I never use cool-whip, but for simplicity sake, I list it.  I prefer the real stuff:  1 pint heavy whipping cream, whipped, 1/2 cup sugar and 1 tsp. vanilla...YOU choose!)

Crush oreos.  Melt the cube of butter and mix with the oreo crumbs.  Press into a 9x13 cake pan.  I take my carton of ice-cream and cut down the sides of the box.  I lay the ice-cream on its side and cut in 1" sections and piece together in the pan and then press the seams together.  Then layer a thin layer of carmel and chocolate and top with coolwhip or whipping cream.  Sprinkle with extra oreo crumbs if you have any!  Freeze until ready to serve.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness...that looks absolutely delicious! My favorite ice cream flavor is Mint Chocolate chip and I can always enjoy a good oreo ;) I'm definitely going to try this recipe out! Thanks for posting ^_^
