Monday, September 5, 2011

Banana Cream Pie

I love a good Banana Cream Pie.  This one is great because it is super easy, yet more rich and creamy than just using a box of banana pudding!  
Graham Cracker Crust
1 small box, instant banana cream pudding
1 cup milk
1/2 can sweetened condensed milk
1 pint whipping cream, separated
1/3 cup powdered sugar
1 tsp. vanilla
4-5 bananas

Graham Cracker Crust:
2 cups graham crackers
8 TBSP. melted butter
1/4 cup sugar

Whip together the pudding, milk and sweetened condensed milk.  Put in the fridge.  Make your graham cracker crust by melting the butter and mixing it in with the graham cracker crumbs and sugar.  Press on the bottom of a pie tin.  Next, whip 1 cup of the whipping cream until stiff peaks form.  Fold into the pudding mixture.  Slice bananas and stir into the mixture and pour into the crust.  Mix the remaining 1 cup whipping cream with 1/3 cup powdered sugar and 1 tsp. vanilla.  Garnish the top of the pie with whipping cream and bananas.  Refrigerate until ready to serve.

1 comment:

  1. That looks yummy...I've put a new twist on this too. Now become a favorite. I use [if I can find and is sometimes impossible] 2 pkgs instant white chocolate pudding made as directed on pkg for pie. Whip up one cup of cream and fold in. Cut up 2 bananas [my family don't want a lot] and cover with mixture. I use a baked shell but imagine you could use the graham cracker one. Whip up more cream with confectioners sugar to sweeten.
    Serve...never any left!
