Monday, March 12, 2012

Cheater Breakfast Omelette

I love a good omelette, but let’s face it, rarely do I feel like taking the time to make one.  So, I’ve come up with an easy way.  Chop your green peppers, onions, mushrooms, bacon, ham, etc. up and place them in a freezer ziploc bag, with the right amount you would need for your morning omelette.  When you decide you want an omelette, pull them out for a quick and yummy breakfast.

2 egg white
1 whole egg
pepper jack cheese
swiss cheese

In a frying pan, melt 1 TBSP. of butter.  Place all your veggies and meat in the omelette and saute to your desired crispness, seasoning with salt and pepper.  Crack your eggs in a bowl, eliminating two of the yolks.  Whip with a little milk until smooth and then pour over your veggies.  Cover pan and cook on low to medium heat until done to desired level.  I like them cooked all the way through.  Then add whatever kind of cheese to the top.  Slant your pan and slide the omelette off onto the plate, folding the omelette in half as you go.


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